When we meditate on mindfulness of feelings, we keep in mind that feeling arises dependent upon contact. As contact changes, the feelings also change. When we experience a pleasant feeling, we think, “This is a pleasant feeling. It has arisen depending on these factors. When these factors disappear, this pleasant feeling will also disappear.”

We do the same for an unpleasant feeling or neutral feeling. We don’t do anything to control our feelings or make them change. We only notice that our feelings are changing. Each feeling arises due to causes and conditions and then slips away. The mind cannot hold on to what we are experiencing and naturally lets it go. What else can it do. Nothing!

As we observe this process, we should not try to put our feelings into words. Labeling our sensations and emotions can actually distort them or disguise them as something else. Each person’s feelings of pain or pleasure are totally personal. Feelings cannot really be conveyed in words exactly as they were experienced. We simply let the breath flow in and out. We stay fully awake and alert, paying total attention to each feeling as it arises, peaks and passes away.

Meditating on mindfulness of feelings

One thought on “Meditating on mindfulness of feelings

  • April 1, 2020 at 8:47 am

    Thank you. It’s great to read this in trying times

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